Easter. Rebirth. Resurrection. Spring. It is also the time when we celebrate the Resurrection. Or, if you’re like me,...
Every month, as I sit down to write my blog, I think, “This will be my last post. It’s...
Amos 3:6- 8 Does the trumpet sound the alarm in the city without frightening the people? Does disaster...
Wow! In spite, of it all, God is good! God is great & the foretold days in which we...
July 2020 has certainly been an unforgettable month. Due to corona virus-19 July 4th parades, firework displays, large gathering...
This is a story of how lovingly our needs are met. It’s also about an angel, but mostly about...
May is a month to celebrate the wonders of Spring. M – many blessings for the spring rains and...
Dear Janine, The coronavirus seems to be the only topic of conversation these days, assuming you can even find...
In 2013, I had the opportunity to tour Ireland with the Knoxville Choral Society. During the trip, we sang...
The accompanying photo is from a correspondent, Pam Urquidi-Wilson, who sees angels in the clouds. On crutches, with...
A few weeks ago I “pulled a muscle.” You’d think at my age that I would know better...
Here we are in January. The new year. This time the new Decade. January is the month when we...
Christmas is a time for rejoicing in the birth of Jesus. What glorious music is heard throughout this beautiful...
Christmas is a time of giving. What we don’t always remember is that it’s also a time of receiving,...
Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. For one thing, it’s become so commercial, with its orange plastic turkeys and...
“Just be yourself. Everyone else is taken!” Oscar Wilde In this day and age where we all have to...
“Writing is a form of therapy: sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint...
Genesis 8:22 (Revised Standard) While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and...
“Look, the trees are turning,” she said, glancing out the picture window toward the New Hampshire woods, and everything...
By Sophy Burnham ——–While working in the garden, I began to muse on how humans are the only animals...
“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole...
There is a saying in the 12-step Alcoholic Anonymous program that “You will not regret the past, nor wish...
Psalm 100: 1-2 (King James) Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord...
If you get lost in life, put your ear to the ground and listen to its pounding heart. ...
Mark 14: 32 (NIV) They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, “Sit here...
The month of March is said to come in like a lion and out like a lamb, and as...
St. Patrick’s Day is a day of Irish glee! Parades, everything green is worn, time for drinking green beer,...
A couple of nights ago I had this interesting dream of a couple of hanging pots with beautiful clover...
When St. Patrick came back to Ireland as an ordained priest to convert the Irish, he used the local...
“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to...
In dark December, when everyone was talking about harking to angels, and the birth of the Baby and the...
Not long ago a Canadian wrote me about a mysterious encounter he’d had with a homeless man, Helmut, who...
This is the season for harkening to angel songs, believing—even joyfully—the warmth, comfort, healing and optimism offered by the...
It is Thanksgiving week, and I am late with offering my few words before the T-Day feast of gladness...
Every October, with its falling leaves and brilliant colors, I’m reminded of my father’s death: October 30 the...
How quickly my opinions change. One moment I am sneering at Michael Cohen, the President’s long-time lawyer and...
Perhaps because of my name and its derivation (philo-sophy: the love of wisdom), I have a special relationship with...
As the earth swings in its elliptical arc around the sun and approaches the July 4 aphelion, its farthest...
Last night I watched a second episode of “Proof” on the tv. The plot is about a heart surgeon...
Christmas is often the time when we feel pulled in many directions. There are presents to buy, parties to...
I have been preparing food for people who need “Food Angels” ( are ill) or those whose life...