Perhaps because of my name and its derivation (philo-sophy: the love of wisdom), I have a special relationship with wisdom. I remember when I was a teenager that my prayer — with heart-yearning anguish — was “To Understand.” “Understand what?” someone might have asked, had I opened the secret...
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As the earth swings in its elliptical arc around the sun and approaches the July 4 aphelion, its farthest point from the sun (94.5 million miles), you’d think the earth would be colder than at other times. But because the North Pole tilts toward (or away from) the light...
Walking on the beach Sounds of the ocean Finding a patch of thick green moss in the woods and taking your shoes off and standing barefoot on it. A game of horseshoes A game of croquet Homemade ice cream Swimming Water skiing Eating a Georgia or South Carolina just-picked...