- Walking on the beach
- Sounds of the ocean
- Finding a patch of thick green moss in the woods and taking your shoes off and standing barefoot on it.
- A game of horseshoes
- A game of croquet
- Homemade ice cream
- Swimming
- Water skiing
- Eating a Georgia or South Carolina just-picked peach
- Butterflies
- Fireflies
- Picking strawberries—and knowing a strawberry shortcake is on the horizon.
- Picking blackberries—and knowing a cobbler with ice cream is on the horizon.
- A sunrise
- A sunset
- Watching young children play in a lawn sprinkler
- Lying on your back on an old quilt under a big shade tree—looking at cottony clouds to see who or what they look like.
- Going fishing
- Wading in a clear, cold creek
Leslie Kelly, Morristown, TN