This is a quote and a text from Sophy in May, when I had not heard from her...
Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Where there is patience and humility, there...
Dews and falling snow, bless the Lord; Sing praise to him and highly exalt him forever. Ice and cold,...
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those...
Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. For one thing, it’s become so commercial, with its orange plastic turkeys and...
This is the season for harkening to angel songs, believing—even joyfully—the warmth, comfort, healing and optimism offered by the...
The phrase “green with envy” can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. And years later, William Shakespeare wrote...
As the earth swings in its elliptical arc around the sun and approaches the July 4 aphelion, its farthest...
Walking on the beach Sounds of the ocean Finding a patch of thick green moss in the woods and...
“O Supreme Spirit of Creation, from Your sacred breath came forth birds and beasts, fish and fowl, creatures of...
An Interview with Father Matthew Linn Matthew Linn works with his brother and sister-in-law, Dennis and Sheila, as a...
Bless the children–the bloom of health, The bloom of growth, The bloom of cheer, The bloom of innocence, Shine...
The seed is with Christ and the harvest is with Christ. May we be swept into God’s granery. The...
As I reflect upon the earth, I think of all the amazing photographs from space. What spectacular sights the astronauts...
Simply Sharing means to find it the “empty spaces” in ourselves and remember that if we just fill them...