We are already well into a new year; in fact, I’m posting this on January 25th, and that means 11 months from today is Christmas. Time certainly does fly.
I am not one to make New Year’s Resolutions. I tried that for many years and only got frustrated when I failed in my attempts. Then I read an article about eliminating stress from your life and quickly realized that making those resolutions was an added stress that I didn’t need. (I think I need to work on self-discipline). Now when January 1st arrives, I simply wish everyone a “Happy New Year” and just keep on trucking. Eliminating resolutions, however, doesn’t mean that I don’t have goals for the year. I do….but I’ve learned to scale them down to smaller goals that I can more easily accomplish—I call them Senior Adult Goals.
My pastor recently spoke about resolutions and 3 things a person might consider committing to in 2019. I offer them below (with a little insight of my own):
1. Look Upward
Look toward Heaven, the home of our Heavenly Father, who knows all, sees all, and forgives all that we confess.
2. Lean Inward
Lean on His Everlasting Arms—our Rock, our Refuge, and our Mighty Fortress–an ever present Help.
3. Love Outward
We live in a world full of people desperate for love–unconditional love and acceptance. Watch for opportunities each day where you might offer some small kindness or other act of love to someone in need.
Well, there you have it……3 things you might adopt as your resolutions for each day of this year—Look Upward, Lean Inward, and Love Outward.
(c) 2019 Leslie Kelley