“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.”—Laura Ingalls Wilder
On my campus, you know it’s springtime when you hear singing from all corners of the quad.
Each April, Murray hosts its annual “All Campus Sing” event, where organizations from all over campus create a five minute, choreographed performance centering on the theme of their choice. And this event isn’t just thrown together at the last minute; groups work for months coming up with the perfect mix of songs, dances, costumes, and props. There are a lot of long hours of practices, too, but it’s all in good fun.
One of the best things about this show, though, is how much the community gets involved. While performing on the steps of the auditorium, the quad is filled with thousands, both students, alums, and local residents alike. There is such an exciting energy in the air from seeing so many people get involved in the beautiful springtime scenery!
While the event is a competition, there really is such a sense of togetherness on campus in April. Everyone gets to appreciate the talents of their fellow students and encourage the best in others. We also work hard to give back to the community through this event as well; all of the money raised goes into local music programs for the school systems surrounding Murray.
Overall, a campus alive with song, dance, and community is definitely a campus I love being a part of!
Written and Edited by: Rachel Wood
Image courtesy WKMS