We arrive at the month of May. As the last school bells ring and the air thickens with humidity, it’s a time for us to celebrate mothers! We all have mothers in our lives whether they are in our immediate family or in our friend circle. What a blessing mothers can be in affirming and shaping our being.
I recall how lucky I was to have my own mother so present in my life growing up. She was there for my Girl Scout meetings, prom dress fittings, track meets, and school graduations. She endured my teenage girl meltdowns, listening to me cry and complain about the drama in my little bubble of a world that felt so huge at the time. She’s been there for every major life decision, fashion mistake, and mini life crisis. I enjoy looking at pictures of her when she was young and hearing her tell me stories about the times she had the same crazy feelings as did. She’s given me a lot of valuable life advice that will stick with me for years to come. Her best piece of advice has served as a life raft as I swim through oceans of anxiety and uncertainty: “Katie, sometimes you just have to do things scared."
I know my mother received many of her admirable traits from her own mother who is full of love, light, wisdom, and laughter. I think of my other grandmother and my aunt and all of the strong, beautiful women in my life and what mentors they are to me as I begin adulthood. I encourage everyone this month of May to remember the beautiful women in your lives and the encouragement they have given you along the way.
(c) 2012 Katie Turpen