This month is about March Magic– “Fabric, Faith, and Family.” How do we “think new ideas” about our family, our faith (or changes which need to happen in our heart) and about fabric, not only clothing: what we put on, but the textures and textiles that we use in this process of weaving and re-weaving our lives?
I love the idea that when things “get rough”…weather/snow/tornadoes, (and in LIFE) whatever, that we are forced into either surrendering ourselves to the process and submitting to a pattern of what-we-thought-we-knew, OR surrendering ourselves to the process, going with the flow, but seeking out new ways to adjust, make changes, find “new life” underneath the movement… But then I am happiest when forced to reinvent myself. It challenges me to ask more for myself, my family, my heart, my faith, and for yes, fabric. I love fabric! Color, texture, and even the idea that women throughout time have poured their love and energy into the process of cloth and clothing-making. Dressing ourselves and our family and friends and community to bring out the best in each of us and provide us with comfort and covering all at the same time.
Being forced to rethink my faith is a journey that continues daily. It is as erratic as spring weather and spring cleaning! Some days I am content with my understanding of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Some days I am certain that my older ways of thinking and understanding are too dogmatic and definitely need healing. I am open to the magic of the Holy Spirit and experiencing newness in my heart and in my life. And as a professional Christian Educator I am concerned that so many Christians or those who profess to be Christians are fearful of doubts and darkness, storms, and snow (which is part of the journey) as well as those Christians (myself included) who can get caught up in practices and old family/church community patterns which need healing or “re-sewing” to my way of thinking.
My family is my heart. I expect that it is the same for you and if not, I hope that you have dear friends who have become “family.” I know that I have such friends as well as precious family. These are the people for whom we wish to create a home, a place of belonging where they can rest and be safe from stormy weather and the changes that the seasons of life bring. It is my hope that you all find FAMILY where your heart can rest and also grow and be clothed-in-love. For it is here that Faith is fostered, nurtured, and shared. This is where true growth begins. Magic indeed.
“Just” Janine
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