- Later that day, or that evening (after you have recorded your dream) go over in your mind and ask questions about the "story of the dream."
- Look at the colors you wrote, sounds, images/symbols, and ask questions about these and any action that happened during the dream.
- Think of the events, people/relationships, actions, feelings, that you have "going on" in your life right now. The dream is most often related to our everyday lives.
- What do you "associate" with each of these images, places, colors, people? The first thought that comes to your mind…..with each?
- Do you get an "aha" with any of these associations? In some way, MOST of the time, the story of the dream is totally about us! Our feelings, experiences, faults, gifts, spiritual directions, etc.
- The Dream comes to help make us whole people and to heal us. But to figure that out, we have to be willing to spend some time with ourselves and the nightly stories that speak from our soul.
(c) 2011 Janine C. Hagan