Bubble Fun

God gives us time to reminisce and enjoy the simple things in life. He wants us to share our joy and love with others in happy pleasures.

Blowing bubbles is fun at any age. As my grandchildren have grown, I fondly remember teaching them to blow bubbles. There were bubble suds everywhere, including one’s lips. Finally, beautiful bubbles would appear. This would bring happy, smiling faces with much laughter. It was time to chase the colorful bubbles as they floated into the sky. The best part was trying to catch a bubble on the wand.  There would always say, “Look Nana, I caught one!”  I still delight in blowing bubbles with my 6 year old grandson.

Blowing Bubbles
(Poet unknown)
Of all the things that babies love
To help them in their troubles.
There’s nothing in the world, they think
So nice as blowing bubbles.

To dip the wand among the suds
And to gravely blow.
To watch the lovely colors change,
As fast as bubbles grow.

To throw them softly in the air
And see them sail away.
Is fun enough, for girl and boy,
To fill the longest day.

Sweet children of our tender love,
May all life’s bubbles be.
As bright, with tents of rosy hope,
As these which now we see.

Submitted by:
Pam Jackson
Knoxville, TN