Amazing Grace

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace.  Ephesians 1: 7 (NIV)

How many times have we heard or sung "Amazing Grace."  This hymn is universally known. It is played or sung in times of trial, enduring sadness, such as the shooting disasters, the tragedy of "911" and so many funerals.  However, the words "amazing grace" bring joy to our heart because God's grace is always with us.  Hearing bagpipes play this haunting melody recalls many memories with the realization that God's grace is sufficient.

Music has a beginning and ending in our lives.  When John Newton wrote this song he was at the end of his wretched life.  A brutal storm on the seas changed his life.  Newton had a new beginning of spiritual growth and became an evangelical British preacher.

Our dear heavenly Father, grant us amazing grace through your love for us.  Though we may stumble, you continue to carry us through our trials.  Lord, you know us from birth to death, beginning to end, and provide us with the understanding of your Word during quiet times of prayer.  What a joy your steadfast love brings to us. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Amen

Pam Jackson
Prayer Editor