Decoding Our Dreams

  1. In order to learn from our dreams it is vital to "honor the dream" with the intent to remember it!
  2. Place a spiral notebook or pad and pen beside your bed. This is your first dream journal.
  3. Relax and consider what has brought you joy and sorrow during the day. Realize that God intends for you to have that joy and not the sorrow. Tell yourself to remember your dream!
  4. When you realize that you are dreaming (not fully awake) "rewind" each part of the dream as you remember it (whenever it happens) and "play it again" …each part, "story," image, color, sound, etc. which you remember.
  5. Sit up and begin to write down everything which you can recall. Date the entry. ………
  6. Purchase colored pencils, markers, or acrylic paints. Decorate this "Dream Journal." (Get star stickers!)
  7. Stay tuned for the next step!!! 


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