A Change in Me: Starting College

“So when do you leave for college?” was a question I heard more times than I could count a few weeks ago. As I answered this question—over and over and over—I realized I was trying to mentally prepare myself for the biggest change in my life so far.

As an only child (and a rather introverted one at that), I had become very comfortable with the idea of “home”; home was where my family, my friends, my church, and, of course, my dog, were. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I would spend more time in my dorm throughout the year than in my hometown, and that I was going to have to create a new home for myself.

Needless to say, the first few days after I moved in to my dorm were pretty difficult. Deep down, I knew this was something I could get used to: I would make friends, have fun, and make trips home if I absolutely needed to. There was something inside me, though, that just wouldn’t accept that everything would be okay.

I’m pretty sure that was the deep-rooted Presbyterian in me- the frozen chosen aren’t a fan of change.

After a few days, I realized my problem: I was lacking routine. And the only way to get comfortable again was to shake things up and make a new routine.

Classes started and, slowly, my new routine began to reveal itself. I’d be at the gym three times a week, eating early dinners with friends certain nights and late-night snacking on other nights. I went to honors meetings every week, attended social events with my new friends, and allowed myself time to just relax.

I noticed, though, that this new routine was starting to change me. I was finding out ways I could actually put myself out there and try new things. I started volunteering to work at events with the honors program and offering up opinions and ideas in meetings. I even submitted a paper to our state-wide honors conference and ended up going to Bowling Green to present it- definitely not something every freshman gets to do!

It’s been over a month now, and I already feel like this is the routine and attitude I’ve had for years. Not only that, but I’m becoming more comfortable with being outgoing and involved. Change is always around the corner, of course –who knows how I’ll adjust to a Kentucky winter!—but something about knowing that change will eventually feel normal is extremely comforting to me.


Written/Edited By: Rachel Wood

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